Ethics & Security at BuildNow AI

Constructed with a Strong Commitment to Ethical Principles and Robust Security Measures

Enterprise Ready

SOC 2 & GDPR Compliant

Our data management, infrastructure, and procedures have been independently validated and accredited.

Content Moderation Policy

We employ a dual approach of human oversight and AI-driven moderation to safeguard our community.

Ethical Framework

Our 3Cs framework - Consent, Control, and Collaboration - guides our ethical approach to AI.

Trust & Safety Team

Safeguarding Your Data and Ensuring Responsible AI Use

Our dedicated Trust and Safety team is devoted to protecting your data and ensuring the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence. We prioritize your security and maintain a strict ethical stance in our operations.

  • Independently validated and accredited data management
  • Stringent content moderation measures
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement of security protocols

AI Policy and Regulations

Championing Robust AI Policies and Regulations

Engaging with Regulatory Bodies

We work closely with regulators to champion robust AI policies and ensure our technologies align with ethical standards.

Partnership on AI (PAI)

As launch partners of PAI on Responsible Practices for Synthetic Media, we support the first comprehensive framework for ethical and responsible synthetic media.

Content Authenticity Initiative

Alongside industry leaders like Adobe, Nvidia, and Microsoft, we promote transparency and trust in digital content.

Ethics: Always Prioritize People

Our mission is to simplify video creation for everyone, ensuring our technology complements rather than competes with human abilities.

Ethical Use of AI

Ethics and AI safety are at the core of our mission. We adhere to our 3Cs framework:

  • Consent: We respect your autonomy over your image and will never generate an AI avatar without your explicit consent.
  • Control: Our platform is a secure ecosystem that safeguards your data with stringent content moderation measures.
  • Collaboration: We partner with industry leaders and regulatory bodies to advance ethical AI practices.

How We Work

Implementing Our 3Cs Framework


Ensuring explicit consent for the use of personal images and providing transparent information and compensation to actors.


Maintaining a secure platform with robust content moderation and dedicated safety teams, alongside tailored access controls.


Engaging with regulatory bodies and partnering with industry leaders to advocate for and develop ethical AI policies.

Join Us in Shaping the Future of Ethical AI

Experience the power of AI with the assurance of robust ethics and security.

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