Video Translations

Effortlessly translate your videos in
one click

Instantly reach a global audience with just one click.

No credit card required

Experience Video Translation

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Why Use Video Translation?

Preserve Original Voice

Our AI maintains the original speaker's voice and emotions, ensuring authentic and engaging translations.

Multiple Languages

Translate your videos into a wide range of languages, expanding your global reach effortlessly.

Time and Cost Efficient

Save time and resources by automating the translation process without compromising on quality.


Browse our expressive and empathetic avatars

  • Captivate your audience with 100+ AI avatars
  • Boost inclusivity and diversity in your videos
  • Clone yourself (your digital twin)
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AI-Powered Video Creation: Instant Employee Answers

Generate your script

Write your own script or generate one with the help of a voice assistant, using a link, document, or even a simple idea.

Choose or Clone Your Avatar & Voice

Explore our diverse library of avatars and voices, representing various ethnicities, ages, and styles.

Customize and design

Select a template or upload your own, and get real-time AI feedback with help from our Voice Assistant.

Get instant video answers

Make it easy for employees to search through your knowledge base and receive instant video answers to their questions.


Keep your knowledge base current
without reshoots


Effortlessly update your videos with just a single click


Quickly prototype your video and collaborate with your team


Collect input and make edits seamlessly in one area

AI Voice Assistant

Instant feedback on your slides

  • Receive real-time suggestions to improve your content as you work.
  • Enhanced Quality: Leverage AI to ensure your slides are clear, concise, and professional.
  • Interactive Experience: Engage with an AI assistant that provides context-aware feedback to improve your presentations.
Multi-Modal Search

State-of-the-art video foundation models

  • Quickly find what you're looking for in videos.
  • Index video content for semantic search.
  • Analyze video data and search across different modalities.

Browse our 100+ free video templates

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about our platform.


Go from text to video in minutes with AI avatars and voices.

No Credit Card Required